marshall lytle of bill haley's band died

RIP Marshall Lytle

After long fight with his cancer, one of the biggest rock'n'roll upright bass legends Marshall Lytle left us this morning of May 25th at...
art of slap on double, acoustic, upright, doghouse, bullfiddle bass

The Art of Slap Bass is born!

Be sure to sign on ourĀ forumĀ and tell us what you think about it. We'll add more information very soon, so check it out often. Special thanks...
Ryan Gould slap acoustic bass

New Interview and Video with Ryan Gould!

We're constantly working on new interviews with some really amazing bass players nowadays. The latest one is with one of the busiest musicians and...

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson was one of the first and most prominent exponents of slap bass in American music. He was born today (August...
Chester Zardis, little bear, slaps his upright bass

Chester Zardis

An initial idea to write, now legendary, article New Orleans String Bass Pioneers, that came out in December 1990, Daniel Meyer had...

Thelma Terry, A Bass Player To Remember

Thelma Terry, double bass player and band leader; she held her bass with a firm understanding of its abilities. She stepped...
nicolas dubouchet upright slap bass

New Interview and video with Nicolas Dubouchet

We're excited to interview a great slap player from France - Nicolas Dubouchet! Check out here what he has to say about his technique, equipment,...