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  • #378

    i’ve been informed that i’m THE FIRST rockabillybass.com member to have been banned from the forum.
    they always told me i was destined for greatness.

    mike sirman

    You got banned from the rab forum? I thought gearhead would be banned before anyone 😛

    Mattias Isaksen

    And the most obvious question then would be: Why where you banned?



    [b]inferno wrote:[/b]
    [quote]And the most obvious question then would be: Why where you banned?


    well..considering they flipped out on me for something i considered fairly innocuous, my best guess is cumulative dickishness..i mean on my part of course.. :whistle:
    maybe i need to take a class in the effective use of emoticons or something..


    [b]Metalstorm wrote:[/b]
    [quote]You got banned from the rab forum? I thought gearhead would be banned before anyone :P[/quote]
    :laugh: beat him to the punch.

    mike sirman

    Well either way that sucks, a few posts of yours are helping me quite a bit, I like that little exersize you posted of just different slaps with the open string patterns, ive been mostly just working on pizz lately as it doesnt wake everyone up like slap does haha but I like the idea of that post of yours.

    Any other little practice routines like that you recommend for slapping practice?


    [b]dalyplanet70 wrote:[/b]
    [quote]i’ve been informed that i’m THE FIRST rockabillybass.com member to have been banned from the forum.
    they always told me i was destined for greatness.[/quote]Meh, i guess there where some spambots that were banned before you.

    Kevin Stewart

    I don’t think you’re the first one to get booted… and, there has been many that have left on their own for whatever reasons…

    At least there’s still this site, eh Tom?


    [b]Kevin Stewart wrote:[/b]
    [quote]I don’t think you’re the first one to get booted… and, there has been many that have left on their own for whatever reasons…

    At least there’s still this site, eh Tom?[/quote]

    well, your boss mr. roy says im the first :laugh:
    apparently i can come back if i promise to not be antagonistic, but again, at least i don’t get all internet toughguy on people or call em really shitty names..
    but yeah, im sorry if i pissed you off there, but i felt a little singled out.. i suppose if people dont like you they tend to focus on the bad stuff instead of the good.


    [b]Metalstorm wrote:[/b]
    Any other little practice routines like that you recommend for slapping practice?[/quote]

    yeah, same stuff but inside out- i.e. not boom tack, but tack boom..
    tack-boom-tack triplets is good fun times..
    that and chronic, furious masturbation. :pinch:

    mike sirman

    [b]dalyplanet70 wrote:[/b]
    [quote][b]Metalstorm wrote:[/b]
    Any other little practice routines like that you recommend for slapping practice?[/quote]

    yeah, same stuff but inside out- i.e. not boom tack, but tack boom..
    tack-boom-tack triplets is good fun times..
    that and chronic, furious masturbation. :pinch:[/quote]

    Well atleast I excell at one of those things……

    Kevin Stewart

    [b]dalyplanet70 wrote:[/b]
    but yeah, im sorry if i pissed you off there, but i felt a little singled out.. i suppose if people dont like you they tend to focus on the bad stuff instead of the good.[/quote]

    You didn’t piss me off.

    I’m just all about respect though, you know? No worries man.

    Now, let’s get back to the chronic, rapid masturbation bass workout method…..

    Simon Farrell

    [b]Kevin Stewart wrote:[/b]
    Now, let’s get back to the chronic, rapid masturbation bass workout method…..[/quote]

    I’m listening… B)


    Me banned first, Metalstorm? For what? Telling guys to go f*ck-off to Talkbass? :kiss:

    mike sirman

    [b]Boom-Boom Brown wrote:[/b]
    [quote]Me banned first, Metalstorm? For what? Telling guys to go f*ck-off to Talkbass? :kiss:[/quote]

    Nah nothing like that haha 😛

    your posts are always entertaining to read at work haha.

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